My name is Stephanie. I’m 32 years old and I don’t even have a name to go by, just a nickname of “Cowboy”. My mothers name was Mary (Chaffin) (Gusoskey) or (Harlan). She would have already had a daughter by the name of Misty. She was married to a man in the ARMY (William “Bill” Gusoskey) but had multiple affairs. We have DNA tested 6 men including the one she was married to. And NONE of them were the one. She lived in California in 1982-83 then moved to St. Louis Missouri. I’m not sure where exactly she conceived me. She gave me only 1 name. Steven Lubker.. I got a hold of him through facebook and he denied getting her pregnant but said she was already pregnant. I’m just at a lost for what to do next. Please let me know if you can help me. Thank you so much! My birthday is September 16,1983.
Stephanie Edwards <>