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  1. Fathers Looking Children They Don’t Of
  2. Fathers Looking to Find or Reconnect With Their Sons
  3. Fathers Looking to Find or Reconnect With Their Daughters
  4. I’m looking for my father who doesn’t know I exist
  5. I’m looking to find or reconnect with my father dad who knows I exist
  6. Mothers Looking for Men Who Don‘t Know they are Fathers
  7. Mothers looking to find or reconnect with their daughters
  8. Mothers looking to find or reconnect with their sons
  9. I’m looking to find or reconnect with my mother who knows I exist
  10. I’m adopted and looking for my paternal parents
  11. Positive search or reunion experiences
  12. Negative search or reunion experiences

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To learn more about me please visit A website created to find children I was not aware of.

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